
AP® Biology Investigation #11: Transpiration

SKU: IS3711

Availability: In stockQuantity:10


Quick Review:

  • Study the process of transpiration/transpiration pull and the roll it plays in water/nutrient movement in plants
  • Study the role of stomata in relation to the transpiration process using a potometer
  • Design and conduct an experiment to show how altering environmental condition may affect the rate of transpiration
  • Enough materials provided for 32 students working in 8 lab groups
  • Meets AP Science Praceitces 1,2, 4, 6 & 7; Big Idea 4


Students will study the process of transpiration/transpiration pull and the role it plays in water/nutrient movement in plants. They will study the role of stomata in relation to the transpiration process using a potometer to examine the rate of transpiration in a bean seedling under a select set of environmental conditions. They will also examine the location/density of stomata from a leaf surface by preparing a stomatal peel. Lastly students will design and conduct an experiment to show how altering an environmental condition may affect the rate of transpiration. Meets AP Science Practices 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7, and Big Idea 4. Materials provided for 32 students in eight lab groups.

Kit Includes:
8 pc Clear Tubing, 12″
8 Tubing Clamps
8 Pipettes, 1mL
8 Dispensers, 10mL
8 Planting Trays, 6 Cell
1 bag Potting Soil
1 pkg Bean Seeds
1 tube Petroleum Jelly
1 btl Nail Polish
1 pkg Microscope Slides

Materials Needed But Not Supplied:
Distilled or Deionized Water
Clear Cellophane
Razor Blades or Scalpels
Laboratory Stands w/Clamps
Light Source
Large Shallow Trays/Containers
Miscellaneous Plant Leaves

Exact materials required will vary depending on design of student experiments. Some common items may include: Fan, Large plastic bags, Thermometers, Spray bottles

AP® Biology Investigation #11: Transpiration

