
Properties of DNA Kit


Availability: In stockQuantity:100


Quick Review:

  • The DNA spooling phenomenon is illustrated in this activity
  • Designed for 16 students working in pairs
  • Requires 1 hour long lab period
  • Includes complete instructions


The DNA molecule from a single human chromosome is about 4cm long and the length of DNA in an individual is about 200X the distance from the earth to the sun. Isolated DNA in a test tube is also a long, stiff molecule. When alcohol is added to a DNA solution, the DNA fibers precipitate and can be spooled onto a glass rod. This feature of DNA is illustrated in the exercise. The spooling phenomenon is also used by the student to study the double-stranded nature of DNA and to investigate the effect of breaking DNA into small pieces with the enzyme DNAse.

**Requires Ethyl or Isopropanol alcohol (90-100%) or denatured alcohol

Kit Includes:

Complete Instruction manual
Calf Thymus DNA Powder (Enough to make 80mL of solution)
DNA Buffer Concentrate
(8) Glass Vials
(8) Glass Spooling Rods
(10) Large Transfer Pipets
(10) Small Transfer Pipets

Properties of DNA Kit

