
Denoyer Intestinal Villi

SKU: DG0142-00

Availability: In stockQuantity:10


Quick Review:

  • Model consists of three villi and is magnified hundreds of times
  • One longitudinally sectioned villus showing the arterioles and venules
  • One sectioned villus to show the lymphatic vessels
  • The corresponding key identifies 23 numbered structures
  • The only models in the world which are personally autographed and dated by their handcrafter. 100% American-made, every step in the production of every autographed anatomy model is carried out in the DGi Skokie factory


Magnified hundreds of times, three of the more than 5 million villi that line the small intestine are replicated in this vinyl model depicting their essential role in digestion and nutrient absorption. Each villus displays a different aspect of these intriguing anatomical features. One villus is shown intact. Another is sectioned to reveal its network of arterioles and venules. The remaining is sectioned to show its lymphatic vessels.

Dimensions: 10" x 16" x 4"

Denoyer Intestinal Villi

