
Denoyer Liver and Gallbladder

SKU: DG0141-00

Availability: In stockQuantity:10


Quick Review:

  • 1.5 times life-size model
  • Dissected ventral surface for detailed examination of major blood vessels and bile ducts
  • The complex vessels network in the opened liver and gallbladder model is clarified through different color coding
  • 28 hand numbered structures are identified in the accompanying key
  • The only models in the world which are personally autographed and dated by their handcrafter. 100% American-made, every step in the production of every autographed anatomy model is carried out in the DGi Skokie factory


50% larger than life, the ventral surface of this replica is dissected to expose major blood vessels and bile ducts in deep relief. Color-coding clarifies the complex vascular network, with contrasting colors differentiating the portal vein and its branches, the gallbladder and bile ducts, the hepatic artery and the hepatic veins. 28 hand numbered structures are identified in the accompanying key.

Dimensions: 13" x 11" x 6"

Denoyer Liver and Gallbladder

