
Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit

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Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit

SKU: Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit

Availability: In stock

Price as configured: $0.00

Quick Review:

  • Kit for determining ABO blood type of four blood samples
  • Develops student understanding of the nature and importance of antigen-antibody reactions for testing blood type
  • Simulated blood samples for realistic replication of blood typing procedure, and safe classroom use
  • Refill for use with ABO blood typing kit
  • Materials for 10 groups of students for hands-on learning. Suitable for age 13 and older with adult supervision
  • Teacher's manual and student study guide copymasters for instructional use

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The first blood typing system discovered, the ABO system, is the most important and widely used. In this activity, students will determine the ABO blood type of four unknown samples. Utilizing Innovating Science’s new simulated blood, students will come to understand the nature and importance of antigen-antibody reactions. The most realistic simulated blood available, this activity provides the most realistic simulation of the actual blood typing procedure. Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups.

IS3100 Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit $43.00
IS3100-REF Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit- Refill $25.50


Kit Includes:

4 Simulated Blood Samples
Donor #1
Donor #2
Donor #3
Donor #4
1 btl Simulated anti-A serum
1 btl Simulated anti-B serum
40 Blood typing trays

Refill Kit Includes:

4 Simulated Blood Samples
Donor #1
Donor #2
Donor #3
Donor #4
1 btl Simulated anti-A serum
1 btl Simulated anti-B serum

Simulated ABO Blood Typing Kit

