
Stem Column – Dicotyledon

SKU: B10304

Availability: In stockQuantity:12


Quick Review:

  • 120X enlarged model of dicotyledonous stem
  • Includes depictions of the periderm, cortex, primary phloem, phloem ray, cambium, annual ring, wood ray, primary xylem, and marrow
  • Mounted on a plastic base


This model highlights the details of a dicotyledonous stem in vivid colors showing the longitudinal and cross section of the periderm, cortex, primary phloem, phloem ray, cambium, annual ring, wood ray, primary xylem, and marrow.  Enlarged 120X and mounted on a base.

Dimensions: 12" x 11.8" x 12.6"

Stem Column – Dicotyledon

