
The Silicate Garden Demonstration Kit

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The Silicate Garden Demonstration Kit

SKU: IS7031

Availability: In stockQuantity:20


Quick Review:

  • 'Silicate Garden' chemistry kit for growing crystals
  • Colored crystals for growing plant-like structures when added to clear silicate solution in glass jar or beaker (jar or beaker sold separately)
  • Includes enough reagents to complete at least 5 chemistry demonstrations


A few colored crystals are added to a clear solution in a glass jar or beaker. Within a few minutes large plant like structures extend from the crystals.

Kit Includes:
2 x 30mL Sodium Silicate Solution, 40%
1 x 20g Iron (III) Chloride, Hexahydrate
1 x 20g Copper (II) Chloride, Dihydrate
1 x 20g Cobalt Nitrate, Hexahydrate
1 x 20g Zinc Sulfate, Heptahydrate

The Silicate Garden Demonstration Kit

