
Introduction to Chemical Properties

SKU: IS2511

Availability: In stockQuantity:20


Quick Review:

  • The experiments in this kit will help students understand the impact different chemicals have when added to a solution
  • Students will test and identify unknown solutions based on a comparison of the chemical properties to a known sample
  • Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups of students


How do scientists identify an unknown solution? What makes one solution different from another? The experiments in this kit will help students understand the impact different chemicals have when added to a solution. Students will test and identify unknown solutions based on a comparison of the chemical properties to a known sample. Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups. Teacher’s manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.

Kit Includes:

10 x 3mL 0.1M Cupric Sulfate
10 x 3mL 1.0N Ammonium Hydroxide
10 x 3mL 1.0N Acetic Acid
10 x 3mL 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide
10 x 3mL 0.1M Sodium Bicarbonate
10 x 3mL 0.1N Hydrochloric Acid
10 x 3mL 0.1M Sodium Carbonate
10 x 3mL Phenolphthalein Indicator
10 x 1.5mL Unknown A
10 x 1.5mL Unknown B
10 x 1.5mL Unknown C
10 x 1.5mL Unknown D
10 x Preprinted Acetate Sheets

Introduction to Chemical Properties

