
NYS Intermediate Learning Science: Matter - All Mixed Up! A Guided Inquiry

SKU: IS2530

Availability: In stockQuantity:100


Quick Review:

  • Students will plan and conduct an experiment on their own with basic guidance
  • Students will explore the physical properties of matter through the separtion of various mixtures
  • Kit contains all materials needed for 15 groups to perform the experment
  • Includes a Teacher's manual and a Student Answer Packet


Everything from elements, to molecules, objects, plants, and animals, even you and me, is all made up of matter. Matter - All Mixed Up! allows students to explore the physical properties of matter through the separation of various mixtures. The included experimental protocol enables students to plan and conduct an experiment on their own with basic guidance and allows the assessment of student learning capabilities. This kit contains all materials needed for 15 groups to perform the experiment and includes a Teacher's Manual and a Student Answer Packet copymaster.

Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*
Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS2.B
Performance Expectations: MS2-PS1-1; MS5-PS1-3; MS-PS2-5
Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns; Energy and Matter; Cause and Effect
Engineering Practices: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations; Analyzing and Interpreting Data; Engaging in an Argument from Evidence; Constructing Explanations (and Designing Solutions); Developing and Using Models/Flowcharts

Kit Includes:

Enough of Mixtures #1-4 for 5 Samples of Each
Mixture #2 Liquid
Mixture #4 Liquids A and B
20 x 4oz Jars with Lids
8 x Transfer Pipettes
8 x Magnets
15 x Plastic Funnels
16 x Pieces of Filter Paper
16 x 7oz Plastic Cups
48 x Disposable Petri Dishes
8 x Metal Tweezers
4 x Magnifying Glasses
4 x Sieves

NYS Intermediate Learning Science: Matter - All Mixed Up! A Guided Inquiry

