
Histology Prepared Slides

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Histology Prepared Slides

SKU: Histology Prepared Slides

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Price as configured: $0.00

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Key to Abbreviations:

  • w.m.   Whole Mount
  • c.s.     Cross Section
  • l.s.      Longitudinal Section
  • sec.    Special Section
  • s.m.    Smear
Epithelial Tissues        
BLSI3046 Mammal Epithelium Composite (sec.)
Stratified Squamous, Columnar, Cuboidal
H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3051 Epithelium, 3 Types (sec.)
Stratified Squamous, Simple Squamous, Ciliated Columnar
H&E Each $  5.60
BSLI3047 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3048 Simple Columnar Epithelium (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3097 Simple Ciliated Columnar Epithelium (c.s) H&E Each $  3.75
BSLI3049 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.70
BSLI3052 Stratified Squamous Epithelium (sec.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3082 Squamous Epithelium (cheek smear) H&E Each $  3.10
BSLI3050 Transitional Epithelium (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
Connective Tissues        
BSLI3028 Human Umbilical Cord (sec.) H&E Each $  5.70
BSLI3053 Mammal Areolar Tissue (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3054 Mammal Adipose Tissue (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3055 Human Adipose Tissue (sec.) H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3056 Fibrous Connective Tissue (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3057 Mammal Reticular Tissue (sec.) Silver Each $  4.00
Cartilage and Bone        
BSLI3004 Mammal Compact Bone-Decalcified (c.s.) Thionin-Picric Acid Each $  6.50
BSLI3005 Mammal Compact Bone-Decalcified (l.s.) Thionin-Picric Acid Each $  6.50
BSLI3064 Bone Decalcified (c.s. & l.s.) Thionin-Picric Acid Each $  5.00
BSLI3033 Human Compact Bone-Ground (c.s.) Silver Each $11.00
BSLI3034 Human Compact Bone-Ground (l.s.) Silver Each $11.00
BSLI3062 Human Ground Bone (c.s. & l.s.)   Each $  6.00
BSLI3063 Bone Ground (c.s.) Silver Each $  5.00
BSLI3058 Mammal Spongy Bone (sec.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3003 Mammal Fibrocartilage (sec.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3059 Mammal Hyaline Cartilage (sec.) H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3061 Human Elastic Cartilage (sec.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3060 Mammal Cartilage Composite (sec.)
Elastic, Hyaline, Fibrocartilage
H&E Each $  4.50
BSLI3095 Developing Membrane Bone (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.80
BSLI3073 Human Muscles, 3 Types (sec.)
Cardiac, Smooth & Skeletal
H&E Each $  5.50
BSLI3031 Human Skeletal Muscle (l.s.) H&E Each $  5.70
BSLI3074 Mammal Skeletal Muscle (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.30
BSLI3032 Human Cardiac Muscle (l.s.) H&E Each $  5.50
BSLI3069 Mammal Cardiac Muscle (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.10
BLSI3071 Mammal Cardiac Muscle (c.s. & l.s.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3072 Human Smooth Muscle (c.s. & l.s.) H&E Each $  3.30
BSLI3068 Mammal Smooth Muscle (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.30
BSLI3070 Mammal Intercalated Disks (sec.) Iron Hematoxylin Each $  3.50
BSLI3065 Human Blood (s.m.)  H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3066 Human Blood (s.m.)  Wright Each $  3.00
BSLI3122 Frog Blood (s.m.)  H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI4013 Bird Blood (s.m.)  H&E Each $  5.50
BSLI3067 Mammal Red Bone Marrow (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
Circulatory System        
BSLI3018 Human Medium Sized Artery & Vein (c.s.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3079 Mammal Medium Sized Artery & Vein (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.30
BSLI3080 Mammal Medium Sized Artery (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.30
Integumentary System        
BSLI3019 Human Adult Scalp (l.s.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3104 Human Bald Scalp (l.s.) H&E Each $11.00
BSLI3027 Human Axillary Skin (sec.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3083 Human Plantar Skin (sec.) H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3111 Human Palmar Skin (sec.) H&E Each $  5.75
BSLI2016 Reptile Skin (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3044 Human Nipple (l.s.) H&E Each $  5.70
BSLI3126 Hair Types - Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid   Each $  5.50
Digestive System        
BSLI3002 Mammal Salivary Glands, Composite (sec.) H&E Each $10.00
BSLI3029 Human Parotid Gland (sec.) H&E Each $  7.70
BSLI3043 Human Submaxillary Gland (sec.) H&E Each $  5.70
BSLI3121 Human Sublingual Gland (sec.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3006 Mammal Intestines, Composite (sec.)
Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
H&E Each $  8.00
BSLI3035 Human Jejunum (sec.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3117 Human Duodenum (sec.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3118 Human Ileum (sec.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3007 Mammal Stomach, Composite (sec.)
Cardiac, Fundic & Pyloric Regions
H&E Each $  8.00
BSLI3015 Human Stomach, Fundic Region (sec.) H&E Each $  5.50
BSLI3085 Human Stomach, Cardiac Region (sec.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3101 Human Stomach, Pyloric Region (sec.) H&E Each $  4.30
BSLI3013 Human Vermifom Appendix (sec.) H&E Each $  5.00
BSLI3020 Human Liver (sec.) H&E Each $  5.00
BSLI3107 Human Gallbladder (sec.) H&E Each $  7.35
BSLI3021 Human Pancreas (sec.) H&E Each $  7.50
BSLI3087 Mammal Pancreas (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3045 Human Esophagus Epithelium (c.s.) H&E Each $  5.70
BSLI3084 Mammal Esophagus Epithelium (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3086 Mammal Colon (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3105 Human Colon (c.s.) H&E Each $  7.00
BSLI3106 Human Colon (l.s.) H&E Each $  6.25
Endocrine System        
BSLI3001 Mammal Parathyroid Gland (sec.) H&E Each $  5.00
BSLI3026 Human Thyroid Gland (sec.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3094 Thyroid with Parathyroid (sec.) H&E Each $  3.80
BSLI3042 Human Mammary Gland-Inactive (sec.) H&E Each $  6.40
Excretory System        
BSLI3010 Mammal Kidney (sec.) H&E Each $  8.00
BSLI3023 Human Kidney (sec.) H&E Each $  5.75
BSLI3014 Human Ureter (sec.) H&E Each $  5.50
BSLI3102 Mammal Bladder (sec.) H&E Each $  4.30
Lymphatic System        
BSLI3017 Human Lymph Node (sec.) H&E Each $  6.50
BSLI3099 Mammal Lymph Node (sec.) H&E Each $  4.60
BSLI3025 Human Spleen (sec.) H&E Each $  6.00
BSLI3081 Mammal Lymphatic Vessel (w.m.) H&E Each $  5.00
BSLI3103 Human Thymus, Fetal (sec.) H&E Each $  7.50
BSLI3114 Human Lingual Tonsil (sec.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3115 Human Palatine Tonsil (sec.) H&E Each $  6.85
Nervous System        
BSLI3008 Mammal Spinal Cord (c.s.) Silver Each $  5.50
BSLI3098 Human Spinal Cord (c.s.) Silver Each $  3.50
BSLI3009 Mammal Motor Nerve Ending & Plates (w.m.) Gold Chloride Each $12.00
BSLI3075 Mammal Peripheral Nerve, Myelinated (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.90
BLSI3076 Human Nerve (c.s. & l.s.) H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3016 Human Cerebrum Cortex (sec.) Silver Each $  5.50
BSLI3096 Mammal Cerebrum (sec.)  Silver Each $  3.30
BSLI3100 Mammal Cerebrum (sec.)  H&E Each $  4.00
BSLI3030 Human Cerebellum (sec.) Silver Each $  5.70
Respiratory System        
BSLI3022 Human Lung (sec.) H&E Each $  6.00
BSLI3088 Mammal Lung (sec.) H&E Each $  3.00
BSLI3089 Mammal Trachea (l.s.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3108 Human Trachea (l.s.) H&E Each $  4.60
Reproductive System        
BSLI3024 Human Testis (sec.) H&E Each $  7.50
BSLI3036 Human Epididymis (sec.) H&E Each $  7.50
BLSI3037 Human Spermatic Cord (c.s.) H&E Each $  8.70
BLSI3112 Human Efferent Tubules (c.s.) H&E Each $  5.75
BSLI3116 Human Vas Deferens (c.s.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3123 Human Sperm (s.m.) Hematoxylin Each $  3.00
BSLI3038 Human Prostate Gland-Young (sec.) H&E Each $  8.70
BSLI3039 Human Prostate Gland-Older (sec.) H&E Each $  8.70
BSLI3109 Human Penis (c.s.) H&E Each $12.00
BLSI3040 Human Uterus-Follicular Phase (sec.) H&E Each $  7.00
BSLI3041 Human Uterus-Progravid Phase (sec.) H&E Each $  7.00
BSLI3090 Human Uterus-Menstrual Phase (sec.) H&E Each $10.00
BSLI3091 Mammal Ovary (c.s.) H&E Each $  3.50
BSLI3119 Human Ovary (c.s.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3120 Human Fallopian Tubes (c.s.) H&E Each $  6.85
BSLI3110 Human Vagina (sec.) H&E Each $  5.00
Sense Organs        
BSLI3011 Mammal Eye with Optic Nerve (l.s.) H&E Each $20.00
BSLI3012 Mammal Cochlea (l.s.) H&E Each $14.00
BSLI3077 Mammal Pacinian Corpuscle (w.m.) Toluidine Blue Each $  4.00
BSLI3078 Mammal Foliate Pappilae with Taste Buds (sec.) H&E Each $  3.30

Histology Prepared Slides

