
Student Pulley Set

SKU: AS3472-10

Availability: In stockQuantity:100


Quick Review:

  • Test quantitative theories involving fixed and movable pulleys
  • Consists of a laminated wooden base, vertical rod, and adjustable cross rod
  • Comes with pulleys, wheel and axle, clamps, weight hangers and slotted weights and cord
  • Instructions included


The student pulley set is comprised of a rectangular laminated wooden base (approx. 5" x 6") which supports a threaded rod in a metal flange, fitted with a capstan and a screw eye. Six hook collar clamps are provided for suspending pulleys and cords on an adjustable cross rod, held by a right angle clamp. Rods, pulley, and clamps are made of either plated metal or polished aluminum. Slotted weights and weight hangers are made of nickel plated steel. Comes with instruction manual.

Set Includes:

  • 8 single pulleys
  • 2 double sheave pulleys
  • 1 wheel and axle
  • 7 weight hangers (5 x 50g, 1 x 10g, 1 x 20g)
  • 6 slotted weights (1 x 10g, 2 x 20g, 1 x 100g, 1 x 500g, 1 x 1000g)
  • 1 right-angle clamp
  • 1 spool of cord
  • 1 tommy bar to tighten the vertical rod

Student Pulley Set

