
Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Simulated Blood Typing

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Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Simulated Blood Typing

SKU: Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Blood Typing

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Price as configured: $0.00

Quick Review:

  • Blood types interaction kit for determining ABO/Rh blood type of four individuals, with one needing a transfusion
  • Results used for determining which of three potential donors is best match for the patient in need
  • Simulated blood samples for realistic replication of blood typing procedure and safe classroom use
  • Refills for Understanding blood type interactions through simulated blood typing kit.
  • Materials for 10 groups of students for hands-on learning
  • Teacher's manual and student study guide copymasters for instructional use

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The earliest historical attempts at blood transfusions often had lethal results. These results led to the investigation and discovery of blood types, as well as a deeper understanding of the importance of antigen/antibody interactions. In this investigation, students will utilize Innovating Science’s new simulated blood to determine the ABO/Rh blood type of four individuals, one in need of a transfusion. Based on the results, students will then determine which of three potential donors would provide the best match for the patient in need. Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups.

IS3103 Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Simulated Blood Typing $50.00
IS3103-REF Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Simulated Blood Typing- Refill $28.00


Kit Includes:

40 Blood typing trays
Simulated Blood Samples
Donor #1
Donor #2
Donor #3
1 btl Simulated anti-A serum
1 btl Simulated anti-B serum
1 btl Simulated anti-Rh serum

Refill Kit Includes:

4 Simulated Blood Samples
Donor #1
Donor #2
Donor #3
1 btl Simulated anti-A serum
1 btl Simulated anti-B serum
1 btl Simulated anti-Rh serum

Understanding Blood Type Interactions through Simulated Blood Typing

